Friday 1 March 2013

Birds and Bees and Butterflies too!

Over on the Trimcraft website, I've set the Theme Challenge for March.
Anyone can join in and there is a prize. Closing date is 1 April.

Every shop I look in and my wardrobe too, seem to house clothes and scarves with little critters on. I am wearing my black and cream Lola Rose Bird Scarf as I type.
I just keep falling in love with this trend in the shops.
So I've been having a go at repeating it on my cards. I started off doing multiples and then went on from there.

The Theme is called - Birds and Bees and Butterflies too!

Here are my samples...


I'm gonna start working on next month's challenge now, as there will be a video to go with it, giving you some top tips. Details will be posted here and in the Trimcraft forum at the start of April.

Caroline x